- 是什么原因使这一僻处东陲、割据一方的落后民族最后竟能入主中原、代明自立? What is the reason that makes the lie east,separating regime behind race can be finally unexpectedly into the central plains,substitute Ming Dynasty.
- 僻处一隅 live in a remote corner
- 方 just
- 一方 one
- 其中大门处一株是中国最大古柏树,据传是黄帝亲自种植。 but the one on the gate is the largest ancient cypress in China which legend says was planted by the Yellow Emperor himself.
- 第三方 third party
- Peakon解在波峰处一阶导数不连续,但可用D irac广义函数表示. Peakon solutions have discontinuous first derivative on the peaks and can be described by Dirac function.
- 天各一方 (of family and friends) live far apart from each other
- 紧急救难处一获通知随时可以驰援。 The emergency services stand ready to help if called on.
- 另一方 another party
- 任何一方 either party
- 有了NGIO,服务器可以分开,处理器与存储器可处一地,而I/O另处一地。 With NGIO,the server is split so the processor and memory are in one location and the I/O is in another.
- Gail跟我说,你们要分开了。呃,还说不上。我们正处一种维系的状态。 Gail told me you're just coming off a relationship. --Well, not really. We're kind of in a holding pattern.
- 从贫富人等处一共募集了将近800万镑。 In all nearly eight million pounds were collected by the contributions of rich and poor alike.
- 如果合同一方可以任意对待履约而使对方蒙受损害,当然不能认为公正。 It is unjust if one party should treat a contract arbitrarily at the expense of the other.
- 他们看见一百码远的上游处一只大木筏上有堆冒烟的火,就溜过去取了火种来。 They saw a fire smouldering upon a great raft a hundred yards above, and they went stealthily thither and helped themselves to a chunk.
- 战败的一方不得不把一部分领土割让给了敌人。 The defeated side had to concede some of their territory to the enemy.
- 在理论上说,医生和病人不一定需要同处一室,甚至是在同一个国家也可以医治。 In theory, the doctor would not have to be in the same room, or even the same country, as the patient.
- 人质被冲突一方扣押的人,以作为对方满足其提出的条件的保证 A person held by one party in a conflict as security that specified terms will be met by the opposing party.
- 任何一方从第三方处合法获得的 Otherwise lawfully becomes available to either party from a third party under no obligation of confidentiality.