- 修正的H-D模型 modification of H-D model
- 最后把求得 g 和 T_d 代入修正的 BCS 公式中,算出超导化合物的临界温度。 fina-lly inserting g and T_d in BCS formula modified,calculated the critical temperatureT_c of superconducting compounds.
- R-D模型 Range-Doppler model
- 修正的 correctional
- 目前在国际上,比较有景响的IP电话方面的协议包括ITU-T提出的H. 323协议和IETE. In these days, the influential protocol about the VoIP system are the H.323 Protocol and the SIP protocol.
- M-F-D模型 M-F-D model
- 上网电价预测中运用修正神经元输出函数对BP模型动态修正的探索 Research of dynamic tuning of BP model with amending nerve cell output function in the forecast of pool purchase price
- 本文以TMS320DM642为硬件平台,实现了客户端/服务器结构的H. 264Baseline编解码系统。 This paper has implemented a Client/Server-structured H.264 Baseline codec system based on TMS320 DM642 platform.
- 广义M-D模型 generalized M-D model
- 修正后的H-R变分原理 modified H-R mixed variational principle
- 海外资金投资在香港上市的H股或红筹股便是很好的例子。 One good example is the investment of foreign funds in the H-shares or red chips listed in Hong Kong.
- 安德逊s-d模型 Anderson s-d mixing model
- 信念修正的AGM理论 The AGM Theory for Belief Revision
- 修正的经度 corrected longitude
- D型闭环迭代学习控制的2-D模型及收敛性分析 D-type Closed-loop Iterative Learning Control 2-D model and Its Convergence Analysis
- 修正后的H-R混合变分原理 modified H-R mixed variational principle
- 未修正的 uncorrected
- 通过联合平行位面建立物体-D模型的断层X光摄影术。 A tomograph that constructs a 3-D model of an object by combining parallel planes.
- 修正的人 modifier
- Jack的J, Uncle的U, David的D, Isaac的 I, Tommy的T, Harrt的H。 J for Jack,U for Uncle,D for David,I for Isaac,T for Tommy,H for Harry.