- 修改的RSA modified RSA algorithm
- 修改 to alter
- 本中草药复方是清除ACA和治疗由其引起的RSA有效而安全的方剂。 This compound Chinese Medicine is a effective and safe preparation for eliminating ACA and treating RSA caused by ACA.
- 修改的 converted
- 多数公开密钥加密系统(包括使用最广的RSA)都出自素数理论。 Most public-key cryptosystems -- including RSA, the most-widely adopted -- stem from prime-number theory.
- 由于早些时候政府改变计划造成一片混乱,因此可能坚决反对作进一步修改的。 After the total confusion caused by earlier changes, the government is likely to set its teeth against any further changes to its plans.
- 基于智能卡的RSA数字签名算法 A RSA Digital Signature Algorithm based on Smart Cards
- 可修改的 revisable
- 基于新型脉动阵列的RSA密码处理器 RSA Cryptoprocessor Based on a Redesigned Systolic Array
- 一个安全有效的RSA门限签名体制 A Secure and Efficient Threshold RSA Signature Scheme
- 返回文件上次inode被修改的时间,如果出错则返回FALSE。 Returns the time the file was last changed, or FALSE in case of an error.
- 用Java Applet实现改进的RSA算法 The Implementation of Improved RSA Algorithm Based on Java Applet
- 这是新修改的协议。 This is the new modify agreement.
- 基于智能卡的RSA数字签名实现关键问题解析 The Key Question Analysis of RSA Digital Signature Algorithm Based on Smart Card
- 未修改的 unrevised
- 基于智能卡的RSA与ECC算法的比较与实现 Comparing and implementation of ECC and RSA algorithms on smart card
- 修改的m法 Improved m - method
- 采用多DSP芯片的RSA密码系统的设计和实现 Sesign and Implementation of an RSA Cryptosystem Using Multiple DSP Chips
- 可修改的预算 a revisable estimate
- 电网发电竞价信息加密系统的RSA加密算法与实现 The RSA Encryption Arithmetic And Implementation in Information Encryption System for Power Bidding