- 她在衣著上很保守。
She is conservative in the way she dresses.
- 保守党在上次议会选举中从工党手里夺得这个议席。
The Conservatives won the seat (ie in Parliament) from Labour at the last election.
- 20世纪初,许多保守主义者认为印象派的艺术是颓废的。
Many conservatives in the early 1900's thought impressionistic art was decadent.
- 你会保守秘密的,是吧!
You'll keep it to yourself, won't you?
- 老年人通常比年轻人保守。
Old people are usually more conservative than young people.
- 我父亲是一个真正的保守主义者,他至今还认为妇女应该呆在家里。
My father is a real conservative; he still thinks a woman's place is in the house.
- 他的这一估计很保守。
He was very conservative in the estimate.
- 保守党在议会获得了230个席位。
The Conservative Party won 230 seats in Parliament.