- 侧位投影X线摄影术 lateral projection radiography
- 侧位投影X线摄影(术) lateral projection radiography
- 侧位投影X线摄影 lateral projection radiography
- 后前位投影X线摄片 postero-anterior projection radiography
- 直接数字X线摄影术 Direct digital radiography
- 颌下腺造影侧位投影术 lateral position of submandibular gland sialography
- 扫描投影X线摄影术 scanned projection radiography
- 断层摄影术X线 Tomagraph
- 结论:听眶线与台面成45°半轴位投影能更大限度暴露鼻区结构,鼻区骨折检查首选半轴位和侧位片; The structure of the nasal region can be maximally revealed on semi-axial nasal view with its OM line at 45° with table. Semi-axial and lateral views are of choice in examing fracture of the nasal region.
- 乳腺X线摄影 Mammography
- X线摄影技术学 X-ray Radiography Technology
- 投影X线显微镜 projection x-ray microscope; PXM
- 乳腺X线摄影术 mammography
- X线头颅定位侧位片 cephalometry
- X线摄影表现 roentgenographic feature
- 团体X线缩微胸部摄影术 mass-miniature chest radiography
- X线摄影参数 radiographic parameter
- 头颅侧位X线片检查 lateral head extraoral radiographic examination; profile extraoral radiographic examination
- 胎儿X线摄影照片 fetogram
- 团体缩微X线摄影 mass miniature roentgenography