- 他犯了那麽严重的过失,却侥幸只交罚款了事。
For such a serious offence he was lucky to get away with a fine.
- 但愿我可以侥幸摆脱这件事。
Pray god I'll have the luck to get out of this.
- 那完全是靠侥幸击中的。
That shot was a sheer fluke.
- 他考试及格实在是侥幸,因为他根本没下过功夫。
Passing the exam was a real fluke he didn't work for it at all.
- 我们前面的客货车滑出我们左边的路,侥幸没撞上。
Luckily the van ahead of us skidded off the road on our left, but it was a very near miss.