- 浓淡型双调风旋流燃烧器低NOx特性分析 An Analysis of the Low NOx Emission Feature of a Dense-dilute Dual-channel Swirl Burner
- 低NOx双调风旋流燃烧 Low NOx Combustion with dual adjustable draft
- 低NOx双调风旋流燃烧器的调试和运行 Adjustment and Operation of Low NOx Double Channel Vortex Air Burner
- 燃煤电站锅炉空气分段低NOx燃烧影响因素的数值模拟 Numerical Simulation of Influential Factors on Air Staging Low NOx Combustion for Coal-fired Utility Boilers
- 排毒双调综合疗法对大鼠CRF细胞免疫影响的实验研究 Experimental Uesearch on the Effect of Paidu-Shuangtiao Synthetic Therapy on the Immune Function of CRF Cells of Rats
- 燃料中心进入的旋流燃烧数值模拟 Numerical Simulation of Swirling Diffusion Flame with Central Fuel Inlet
- 减少柴油机NOx排放的机外措施 OFF-Engine Measures to Reduce NOx Emission from Diesel Engines
- 低NOx型分解炉内部过程的数值模拟研究 Numerical Simulation Study of Low-NOx Calciner Inner Process
- 旋流风冷冷渣器 whirl ventilated slag cooler
- "跟平常一样在他陷入沉思之前他把双臂交叉起来,低下了头。" He folded his arms and lowered down his head as usual before he was in deep thought.
- (衣着的)脚部衣物的一部分,尤指裤子覆盖双腿的那一部分 The part of a garment, especially of a pair of trousers, that covers the leg.
- "一整天来风都刮得很厉害,但到傍晚时有所减弱了。" "The wind was strong all day, but it moderated in the evening."
- 约翰将被调往另一个城市去工作,所以他的同事凑钱为他买了一件送别礼物。 John will be assigned to work in anther city so his colleagues passed the hat round to buy him a sendoff gift.
- 6个小时飞下来,我的双脚肿得非常厉害,连鞋也穿不上了。 At the end of the six-hour flight, I couldn't get my feet into my shoes as they had swollen so much.
- 燃尽风对炉内流动和燃烧过程影响的数值模拟 Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Over-Fire Air on Flow and Combustion in Furnaces
- 旋流场 Swirling flow field
- 低热值煤气高温空气燃烧数值模拟 Numerical Simulation of High Temperature Combustion for Low Heat Value Gas
- 风动调合 wind - powered blending
- 乙烯裂解炉辐射段三维流场和燃烧的数值模拟计算 Numerical Simulation on Three- Dimensional Turbulent Flow and Combustion in Firebox of Ethylene Cracking Furnace
- 双腿全旋 double leg circles