- 低CTE Iow-CTE
- 低的 low-lying
- 低成本 low cost
- 高低 (adv) simply; just
- 较低的 lower
- 偏低 on the low side
- 工程CTE linear CTE
- 低端 low end
- 物理CTE phys CTE
- CTE匹配 matching CTE
- 较低 lower
- 超低 ultralow
- 运行CTE的语句为 The statement to run the CTE is
- 低点 low
- CT增强扫描(CTE) CT contrast enhancement(CTE)
- 低效率 ineffectiveness
- CTE的基本语法结构如下 The basic syntax structure for a CTE is
- 低值易耗品 low priced and easily worn articles
- 低等 inferior
- 效率低 inefficiency