- 伪二维隐Markov模型 Pseudo 2D Hidden Markov Tree
- 二阶隐Markov模型 second-order hidden Markov models(HMM2)
- 本文介绍了利用肤色信息进行人脸检测后,采用基于二维DCT系数的伪二维隐马尔可夫模型(P2D-HMM)进行人脸识别的方法。 An approach is proposed in this paper, face detection by complexional filter, and face recognition using pseudo 2D Hidden Markov Models based on the extraction of 2D-DCT feature vectors.
- 二 two
- 因子隐Markov模型 Factorial hidden Markov model (FHMM)
- 伪二元的 pseudobinary
- 嵌入式隐Markov模型 embedded hidden Markov model
- 伪二进码 pseudo binary code
- k阶Markov模型 k-order markov model
- 二维码 two-dimension code
- 隐Markov模型(HMM) Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
- 伪二氨基环己烷 pseudo diaminocyclohexane
- 二维数组 two-dimensional array
- 双Markov模型 Pairwise markov random field model
- 隐式Markov模型 Hidden Markov model
- 带约束的一般Gauss-Markov模型下的线性充分性和线性完全性 Linear Sufficiency and Linear Completeness in the General Gauss-Markov Model with Restrictions on Parameter Space
- 二维细胞自动机伪随机序列发生方法研究 Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata Based Pseudo-Random Bit Sequence Generator
- 二维图形消隐算法的改进 An improvenent on algorithms for removing the hidden lines of two-dimension figures
- 第二章:介绍了Markov链基本理论,并通过一个简单的实例把它扩展到了隐Markov模型(HMM); Chapter two introduces the basic ideas of Markov Chain theories briefly, and then extends it to Hidden Markov Models through a simple example. At last the theories and algorithms of Hidden Markov Models are studied.
- 二维对流方程的一种半隐计算格式 A new semi-implicit scheme for two-dimensional convection equation