- 传统PKI与桥CA认证体系 Traditional PKI and Bridge Certification Authority
- 讨论了公开密钥基础设施PKI/CA认证体系。 The PKI (Public Key lnfrastructure)/CA (Certificate Authority) frame.
- 该方案依据PKI(公钥基础设施)的应用原理,采用PKI与S MIME相结合的方法,建立了基于PKI的安全邮件传输体系。 The solution, which makes use of the method of combining PKI with S/MIME, establishes a system of secure E-mail transfer, according to the application principle of Public Key Infrastructure(PKI).
- 桥CA Bridge CA
- 多级桥CA信任模型 multilevel bridge certificate authority model
- 基于入侵容忍的CA认证中心研究与设计 Research and Design of Certificate Authority Based on Intrusion Tolerance
- 基于PKI的CA认证中心在数字林业信息安全系统中的应用 Application of PKI-Based CA Authentication Center in Digital Forestry Information Security System
- 土与结构间一种新接触单元的数值解 Numerical Analysis Solution of New Contact Element of Interface between Soil and Structure
- 完善城镇社会保障体系试点 experiment to improve the urban social security system
- 地理空间关系确定性描述与集成推理 Determinate Description and Integrating Reasoning of Geographic Spatial Relations
- 带移动灯桥多功能厅空调方式的数值分析 Numerical Analysis of Air-conditioning Method in Multi-function Theater with Moving Lighting Bridge
- 变片距蒸发器性能数值分析与实验研究 Numerical Analysis and Experimental Study on Performance of Evaporator with Combination of Different Fin Pitch
- 如果桥建得再高些,这只船就能通过了。 If the bridge was built higher,the boat could get under.
- Euler常数与Riemann Zeta函数级数和 Euler Constants and Sums of Riemann Zeta Function Series
- 板料形状与润滑状况对板料成形的影响 Numerical Analysis of Effect of Blank Initial Shape and Lubrication on Large Complex Sheet Metal Stamping Formability
- 欧元启动了,这一货币史上史无前例的壮举,将给世界经济格局尤其是国际金融体系产生深刻的变革。 Euro money, the unprecedented creation in world currency history, with its going into operation soon, is sure to bring about deep change on the pattern of world economy, especially the pattern of international financial system.
- 欧洲的分歧与俄罗斯回归欧洲的困扰 European Differences and the Predicament of Russian Return to Europe
- 工程控制网坐标系与投影面的确定原则 Determination Principles of Engineering Control Network Coordinate System and Projection Plane
- 北大学子与环境记者畅谈可再生能源。 The graduate students of Beijing University discuss the renewable energy with environmental reporters.