- 仰卧位髌骨轴位X线摄影投照技术的应用与研究 The Study and Application of Exposure Technique for Axial View Patella Radiography with Patient in Supine Position
- 仰卧位X线摄影术 supine radiography
- 仰卧位X线摄影(术) supine radiography
- 仰卧位X线摄影 supine radiography
- 在线 in-line
- 乳线X线摄影术 Mammography
- 仰卧位硬膜外麻醉下剖宫产术致低血压综合征26例临床分析 Clinical Analysis of 26 Cases of Hypotension Syndrome Caused by cesarean Section on Supine Position Under Peridural Anesthesia
- 探讨坐位髌骨轴位X线摄影技术的临床应用及其实用意义。 Objective To introduce the clinical application and practicability of exposure technique for axial view patella radiography with Patient in sedentary position.
- 坐位髌骨轴位X线投照技术的临床应用 Clinical Application of Exposure Technique for Axial View Patella Radiography with Patient in Sedentary Position
- 子宫输卵管照相,子宫输卵管X线摄影,子宫输卵管造影术 uterosalpingography
- 乳腺X线摄影 Mammography
- 右冠状动脉轴位X线造影的解剖学研究 Axial X-ray angiographical anatomy of the right coronary artery
- 子宫输卵管照相术,子宫输卵管X线摄影,子宫输卵管造影术 uterosalpingography
- 颌骨侧位X线 lateral roentgenogram of jaw
- 断层摄影术X线 Tomagraph
- 子宫输卵管照相,子宫输卵管X线摄影(术), 子宫输卵管造影术 uterosalpingography
- 侧位X线投影 lateral projection radiography
- 断层成像,层析X线摄影法,X线体层摄影,X线断层成像,X线断层(术) tomography
- 倒置位X线检查 Wangensteen-Rice's method
- 钼钯X线摄影 mammography