- 代数双曲三角Bézier基 algebraic trigonometric hyperbolic Bézier basis
- 代数双曲B样条曲线 algebraic hyperbolic B-spline
- 本原双曲元 primitive hyperbolic elements
- 双曲形 hyperbolical
- 半三角基 semi-triangular basis
- TC-Bézier曲线 TC-Bézier curves
- TC-B基 TC-B basis function
- 双曲类二次曲线外切多边形中有向面积的定值定理及其应用 On a fixed value theorem for directed areas in hyperbolic circumscribed polygons and its applications
- 整环上的上三角矩阵李代数的极大交换理想 The maximal abel ideals of the Lie algebra of upper triangular matrices over the integral domains
- Szasz-Bézier算子 Szasz-Bézier operator
- 双元音 diphthong
- 固定参数三角基函数 a triangle base function with fixed parameters
- 代数张量积B-样条 algebraic tensor-product B-spline
- 真正双曲的 properly hyperbolic
- Szász-Bézier算子 Szász-Bézier operators
- 纸基三角空腔墙体技术研发与应用 The study and attrication on technique of space triangte of wall mater on paper
- 关于L-非负定阵广义B-D逆的代数扰动 On Algebraic Perturbation of Generalized B-D Inverse of L-nonnegative Definite Matrix
- 正规双曲的 regularly hyperbolic
- 特殊曲面的规范B基表示 The representation of special surfaces by normalized B-basis
- 弱Doi双代数 Weak skew paired bialgebra