- 从棉油中提取维生素E Extraction of Vitamin E from Cotton Oil
- 从玉米和陕西菜豆中提取凝集素及促淋巴细胞转化试验的比较分析 Exeracting agglutinin from zea mays phaseolus valgaris and dolichos lablab and comparative. analysie of their effects bor promoting transformation
- 35%甲辛氟氯氰乳油中辛硫磷含量测定 Determination of the Content of Phoxim in 35%25 Parathion-methyl, Phoxim and Cyhlothrin EC
- 改良CTAB法从采后荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn.)果皮中提取总RNA Extracting Total RNA from Pericarp of Postharvest Litchi(Litchi chinensis Sonn.) Fruit by Improved CTAB Method
- 毛细管气相色谱法测定核桃油中的脂肪酸 Determination Acids in Walnut Oil by Capillary Gas Chromatography
- AR组大鼠IL-4、IL-10、IL-17水平与正常对照组、维生素AD干预组、维生素E干预组及地塞米松干预组相比差异有显著性意义(P<0.05); the serum level of IL-4, IL-10 and IL-17 in AR group is significantly difference from those in normal control, vitamin E group and DEX group(P<0.05);
- 从黑麦麦麸中提取的阿魏酸的检测 Determination of Ferulic Acid Extracted from Rye Bran
- 混配乳油中毒死蜱的测定 Determination of Chlorpyrifos in Mixed Emulsifiable Solution
- 30多名党员已经退出了从前的党,成立了一个新的独立的党。 Over30 MPs have now broken away from their old party to form a new, independent one.
- HPLC法测定食用棉籽蛋白中棉酚含量 Determination of total gossypol and free gossypol in edible cottonseed protein by HPLC
- 松籽油中松油酸含量的快速测定 Determination of pinolenic acid in pine nut oil for export by gas chromatography
- "其目的是从工作中发现意义,找到乐趣。" The aim is to find meaning and enjoyment in work.
- 用气相色谱法测定洗油中萘含量 Determination on Naphthalene Content of Absorber Oil with Gas Chromatog
- 食用棉籽蛋白中总棉酚与游离棉酚含量测定 Determination of Total Gossypol and Free Gossypol in Edible Cottonseed Protein by Phloroglucinol Colorimetry
- 湿法从氰化金泥中提取金、银、铜、铅工艺试验研究 The hydrometallurgical process extracting gold, silver, copper and lead from cyaniding gold mud
- 乙型脑炎病毒E蛋白N端片段在大肠杆菌中的表达 Expression of N-terminal Fragment of Japanese Encephalitis Virus E Protein in Escherichia coli
- 加氢裂化尾油中卵苯测定法的研究 Determination of Ovalenes in Unconverted Oil of Hydrocrcking
- 不同海拔下大叶碎米荠中水溶性维生素含量差异的研究 Determination of Water-soluble Vitamins in Cardamine Macrophylla from Different Altitude by HPLC
- 麝香风湿油中麝香酮含量的GC-MS分析 Determination of muscone in musk rusk rheumatic oil by GC-MS
- 从敞开的矿井提取矿石或煤的采矿。 the mining of ore or coal from an open mine.