- 仍然为残肢进行DNA化验 Were still conducting DNA tests on the body parts
- 为残障人士和长者提供电子银行设施和服务。 Encourage the provision of e-banking facilities and services to elders and people with disabilities.
- 乙肝基因型鉴定现在多用于科研,规范性的商业应用还不是很普及,很象10年前的DNA化验。 Genotyping for HBV is only a research tool and not available for commercial or routine use. Its status is like what DNA test was 10 yrs ago.
- 他仍然为他在前一天晚上发表的简短优美的讲话受到鼓掌欢呼而沾沾自喜。 He still reveled in the applause that had greeted his brief, graceful speech the night before.
- 术后护理。必须经常对患肢进行神经血管评估,发现细微变化。与翻身、体位及肢体支撑相关的移动或活动限制都应加以密切监护。 Frequent neurovascular assessments of the affected extremity are necessary to detect subtle changes. Any limitations of movement or activity related to turning, positioning, and extremity support should be monitored closely.
- 为确保社会上所有社群均享有同等机会使用电脑设备,一直以来,政府特别积极为残障人士提供辅助工具。 To ensure that all groups in the community have a fair chance of gaining access to computer equipment, the Government has been especially active in providing ancillary tools for.
- 为证实自己的理论,七月份罗伊·亨利致信法国国防部,提出要对拿破仑的一缕头发进行DNA测试。 To prove his theory,Roy-Henry wrote to France's Defense Ministry last month to request a DNA test on a strand of Napoleon's hair.
- 炎性残肢 inflamed stump
- "一切进行得如何?" "情况很顺利。" "How is everything going?" "Things are going very well."
- 当然,即使处於经济困境中,我们仍然为香港的成就感到自豪,为我们携手共创的成果而骄傲。但我们没有把心中这份自豪感公然表现出来。 Of course, even in the middle of economic difficulties, we do take pride in our city, in what we have all done together here, but we tend to take pride in private.
- 肘上残肢 above-elbow stump; AE stump
- 自残 self- mutilation
- 准备工作顺利地进行 The preparations flowed smoothly.
- “越来越严格的管理以及大的发展商的介入,虽然帮助改善了建筑业的形象,但是这个行业仍然为资金不足甚至某些不诚实的发展商所困扰”(福布斯) "Tighter regulation and the entrance of big developers . . . have helped deodorize the industry, but it is still plagued by undercapitalized and even fraudulent developers" (Forbes)
- 你的工作进行得怎么样? How goes it in your work?
- 肘下残肢 below-elbow stump
- 地球为中心的 geocentric
- “一般威胁侵犯他人身体罪”常常作为并非是严重威胁侵犯他人身体罪进行使用。 The term "common assault" is frequently used for any assault which is not an aggravated assault.
- 巧妇难为无米之炊 nobody can accomplish anything without the necessary means
- 你的工作进行得怎么样啦? How are you coming along with your work?