- 人胞外域的CD83蛋白 hCD83ext
- 人EGF受体胞外域在大肠杆菌中表达、复性及抗原性鉴定 Renaturing and antigenic identification of human EGF receptor extracellular domain inclusion body overexpressed in Escherichia coli
- 目的探讨曲妥珠单抗(trastuzumab)对细胞膜p185人表皮生长因子受体2(HER-2)强阳性表达,以及HER-2胞外域(ECD)水平不同的肿瘤细胞系SKBR3和SKOV3细胞的生长、克隆形成及细胞内HER-2蛋白水平的影响。 Objective To examine the effect of trastuzumab on cell proliferation, colony formation and changes of HER-2 proteins in human breast cancer cell line SKBR3 and human ovarian cancer cell line SKOV3 cells which overexpress p185 HER-2 but shed high or low HER-2 extracellular domain (ECD) levels.
- 胞 womb
- 神秘与猜测,不断地围绕著近期出现在外域的堕落地狱兽人。 Mystery and speculation surround the corrupted fel orcs who recently appeared in Outland.
- 1860年,一位名叫WilliamLow的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。 In1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low.
- 他宣称自己是荒废的外域的主人。 He declared himself the ruler of the ruined world Outland.
- 报人 journalist
- 埃及人 Egyptian
- 白种人 white
- 我们帮助他关闭散布外域的传送门,进而截断了军团的援军 We helped him seal the portals of Outland and cut off the Legion's reinforcements
- 强人 strong man
- 在基底细胞癌和鳞状细胞癌皮损中bcl-2与Fas蛋白的表达 Expression of bcl 2 and Fas Protein in the Lesions of Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- 人渣 scouring
- 爱尔兰人 Irish
- 外域的怪非常厉害。牧师经常抱怨他们的盾在外域小怪面前根本持续不了多久。 Mobs in outland appear to be much more difficult. Priests were complaining that their PW: Shield was not lasting long enough b/c mobs hit harder.
- 澳大利亚人 Australian
- 基底细胞癌Bcl-2、Bax、Bcl-xl蛋白免疫组化表达的定量研究 Quantitative Analysis of Bcl-2,Bax, Bcl-xl Expression in Basal Cell Carcinoma with Immunohistochemistry
- 逼人 pressing
- 北方人 Northman