- 亚微米级4A沸石 submicron 4A zeolite
- 用亚微米级晶种涂层法合成NaA沸石膜及其结构表征 Synthesis of NaA Zeolite Membrane on Seeded Substrate and Its Characterization
- 改性4A沸石 modified 4A zeolite
- 当工艺水平发展到深亚微米级,互连线时延比重已经占据总时延的绝大部分。 As the technology proceeds to DSM, the delay of interconnect has been the dominant portion in all delays.
- 磁性4A沸石 Magnetic 4A zeolite
- 亚微米级Al2O3 sub-micron Al2O3 particles
- 4A沸石分子筛 4A zeolite molecular sieve
- 亚微米级TATB sub-micron TATB
- 代磷洗涤助剂4A沸石的研究与发展,方兴未艾. The study and development about on the replacemert phosphorous wash auxiliary 4A-zeolite is now in the asdendant.
- 亚微米级Al2O3颗粒 sub-micron Al2O3 particles
- 微米级高分子精密过滤技术及其在精细化工、水处理与环保领域的应用 Polymer Precise Filtration Technology for Micron-particles and Application in Fine Chemicals, Water Treatment and Environmental Protection
- 动态电子束探针检测技术在亚微米和深亚微米IC失效分析中的应用研究 Study of dynamic electron-beam probe techniques in submicron and deep submicron IC
- 不同孔结构两亲性沸石的制备及其对相界面反应的催化性能 Preparation of Amphiphilic Zeolites with Various Pore Structure and Their Catalytic Performance for Phase-Boundary Reaction
- 亚微米 submicron
- 我们测量我们自身的大小是用英寸或者厘米,而细菌的大小是以微米级测量的。 While we measure our own sizes in inches or centimeters, bacterial size is measured in microns.
- 实验表明:4A沸石对Cs+的平衡吸附量为271 mg/g,沸石对Cs+的平衡吸附量为195 mg/g,凹凸棒石对Cs+的平衡吸附量为22 mg/g; The experiments showed that the equilibrium adsorption amount of Cs+ by 4A zeolite was 271 mg/g,the equilibrium adsorption amount of Cs+ by zeolite was 195 mg/g,the equilibrium adsorption amount of Cs+ by palygorskite was 22 mg/g;
- 微米级 micron order
- 用可见激光在聚(氨酯-酰亚胺)表面制备周期性亚微米结构 Preparation of Periodic Sub-micrometer Structure by Visible Laser on Poly(urethane-imide) Surface
- 4A沸石 4A zeolite
- 亚微米PYX Submicron PYX