- 互补P4码 complementary P4 code
- 码 yard
- 子载波上发送相位编码序列为广义类chirp序列(P4码)、广义多相巴克码的正交频分复用多载波信号具有图钉形的模糊函数,峰均比PAPR<2是多载波探测的优选波形。 The OFDM signals with a generalized chirp-like sequence(P4), a generalized poly-phase barker sequence and a poly-phase Golomb sequence exhibit thumbtack ambiguity function, their peak-to-average power ratios can be maintained below 2, which are the optimal signals for OFDM multi-carrier TDD.
- 乱码 messy code
- 源码 source code
- 注册码 poll code
- 码表 stopwatch
- 黄与蓝是互补色。 Yellow and blue are complementary colors.
- 头孢菌素 P4 cepbalosporin P4
- 码率 code rate
- 维生素P4, 三羟乙芦丁,维脑路通,托克芦丁 Rufen-P4
- 码字 numeral
- 子网掩码 subnet mask
- 码数 code number
- 标码 labelled size
- 拨码 Dial-up
- 码图 code pattern
- 码元 code element
- 码盘 code wheel
- 安全码 safetycode