- 二次均匀B样条曲线 quadratic uniform B-spline
- 二次均匀B样条曲线的扩展 Extension of the uniform quadratic B-spline curves
- 一种过控制顶点的二次均匀B样条曲线 Two Degree B-spline Curve Through Control Points
- 二次均匀B样条方法的扩展及其应用 An Extension of the Quadratic B-Spline and Its Application
- 利用三次均匀B样条曲线优化设计凸轮廓线 Optimization of Cam Contour by B spline Curve
- 基于三次均匀B样条曲线扩展的曲线细分算法 An algorithm for subdivision curves with the extension of the cubic uniform B-spline curve
- 密切二次曲线 osculating conic
- 三次均匀B样条 cubic uniform B-spline
- 超密切二次曲线 superosculating conic
- T-B样条 T-B spline
- 平面二次曲线 plane quadratic curve
- 球B样条 bah B-spline
- 测地二次曲线 geodesic conic
- α-B样条 α-B spline
- 奇二次曲线 singular conic
- 中心二次曲线 central conic
- 代数张量积B样条曲面 algebraic tensor-product B-spline surfaces
- 二次精炼条铁 best bar
- Coons类曲面、B样条曲面和NURBS曲面是CAGD中主要的曲面表达形式。 In the CAGD field, Coons surface, B spline surface and NURBS surface are mainly used.
- 内极二次曲线 inpolar conic