- 二分枝IF语句 two branch IF statement
- if语句 if statement
- 枝 branch
- 语句 sentence
- if语句测试一个条件。 An if statement tests a condition.
- 接枝 graft
- IF语句用于条件的测试。 The IF statement is used to test for a condition.
- 二分体一对由四分体在成熟分裂过程中形成的同源染色体 One pair of homologous chromosomes resulting from the division of a tetrad during meiosis.
- 执行if语句之后,控制传递给下一个语句。 After executing the if statement, control is transferred to the next statement.
- 花匠正在掐掉嫩枝。 The gardener is pinching off the young shoots.
- 日-地系统的另一特点是二分点和二至点沿轨道逐渐前行。 Another characteristic of the sun-earth system is the gradual procession of the equinoxes and solstices along the orbit.
- 枝花 ramiflory
- if语句总是使用括号,即使它包含一句语句。 Always use a curly brace scope in an if statement, even if it conditions a single statement.
- 嫩枝 twig
- 语句的 lexical
- 一枝花 outshining flower
- 利用新的IsNot运算符,下面的If语句是有效的 With the new IsNot operator, the following If statement is possible.
- 这些插枝已经生了根。 The cuttings have struck roots.
- 藤蔓绕枝。 Branches wreathed with vine.
- 前面示例中的If语句检查参数clockwise的值。 The If statement in the preceding example checks the value of the parameter clockwise.