- 丹酚酸B镁 magnesium lithospermate B
- 丹酚酸B salvianolic acid B
- 丹酚酸B对PC12细胞缺糖损伤的保护作用及机制 Protective Effects and Mechanism of Salvianolic Acid B(SAB) on PC12 Glucose Deprivation Injury
- 丹酚酸B盐 Salvianolic acid B
- 本实验提取丹酚酸B处理方法简单,测定结果稳定可靠,可作为冠心丹参胶囊中丹酚酸B含量测定方法。 The method is easy and reliable,which can be used for quantity control of salvianolic acid B in Guanxindanshen Capsules.
- 缺氧预适应能降低CMEC缺氧/复氧损伤后ICAM-1的表达,应用丹酚酸B对CMEC进行预处理则可产生与缺氧预适应类似的保护效果。 The expression of ICAM-1 on CMEC can be reduced by hypoxia preconditioning. So dose the Sal B.
- 丹酚酸A salvianolic acid A
- 丹参酚酸B Salvianolic acid B
- 牡丹皮中丹酚提取与浓缩的探讨 Discussion of Taking Delivery and Condensesing Phenol From Peony Tegument
- 酚酸 phenolic acid
- 霉酚酸 mycophenolic acid
- 衣酚酸 isaphenic acid
- 总酚酸 total phenolic acid
- 碘酚酸 iophenoxic acid; triiodoethionic acid
- 缩酚酸 depside
- 二酚酸 diphenoliac acid; diphenolic acid; DP; DPA
- 总丹酚酸 total salvianolic acid
- 托酚酸盐 tropolonate
- 麦可酚酸 mycophenolic acid
- 棉子酚酸 gossypolic acid