- 中药部位复方DGH DGH
- 部位 position
- 中药 traditional Chinese medicine
- DGH方程 DGH equation
- 中药复方 Chinese herbal compound
- 手指,足趾其它脊椎动物相对应的部位 A corresponding part in other vertebrates.
- 复方中药 compound traditional Chinese medicine
- 中药小复方 TCM prescription
- 中药有效部位 effective component of Chinese materia medica
- 复方酸枣仁汤有效部位大鼠血清化学成分分析 Primary research on the plasma chemistry of the active portion in Suanzaoren decoction
- 中药990复方 Traditional Chinese Medicine 990 Fufang
- 关于中药有效部位新药研究的几点思考 Several Considerations of Study on New Medicines Made of Total Effective Components Extracted from One Medicinal Herb or Some Ones
- 复方中药制剂 chinese herbal eompound
- 中药猫爪草有效部位的免疫活性研究 Study on Immunocompetence of Active Constituent of Radix Ranunculi Ternati
- 复方寒凉中药 compound cold & cool chinese herbal medicine
- 解毒中药复方 CDH
- 中药有效部位抗心肌缺血作用机制研究进展 Advances in Studying on Chinese Medicine Active Part of Anti-myocardial Ischemia Pharmacology
- 中药复方别敏 Chinese compound Biminne
- 中药复方多糖 Chinese compound polysaccharide
- 中药复方制剂 Chinese herbal compound