- 中性蛋白酶As1.398 Asl .398 neutral proteinase
- 398枯草杆菌中性蛋白酶对玉米蛋白质的水解改性发现 ,Asl. 398 neutrase were studied. The results indicated that the highest degree of hydrolysis (DH) of corn gluten protein with Asl.
- AS1.398枯草杆菌蛋白酶 subtilisin from Bacillus subtilis AS1. 398
- 中性 neutral
- 2709+AS1.398为42.11%和44.37%; and 2709+Falvourzyme is bigger than Papain +2709, and Asl.
- 枯草芽孢杆菌ZC-7中性蛋白酶的分离纯化及酶学性质研究 Purification and Properties of Neutral Protease from Bacillus Subtilis ZC-7
- 中性的 neutral
- 巨大芽孢杆菌AS1.127 bacillus megaterium
- 中性包装 neutral packing
- 中性蛋白酶 neutral protease
- NS-398 NS-398
- Asl.398枯草蛋白酶 Asl. 398subtilisin
- 中性点 star point
- 中性粒细胞 neutrophilic granulocyte
- 中性蛋白酶片 tab. neutral protease
- 木瓜蛋白酶改性蛋白的水解度为10.78%时的持水性、乳化性、乳化稳定性都比改性前有大幅度提高:As1.398蛋白酶改性对7S球蛋白的功能性改善最小。 The capacity of holding water, emulsification and emulsification stability of soybean 7S globulin modified by pawpaw protease were evidently advanced while the hydrolyze index was 10.78%25. Soybean 7S globulin could be hardly advanced by Asl.
- 白色是中性色。 White is a neutral color.
- 中性化 neutralization
- 结果发现,166酶比AS1.398酶具有更强的耐酸性,用含8%NaCl的0.1N盐酸(pH值2.0的0.2MNa_2HPO_4-柠檬酸缓冲溶液)两次处理残存有166酶(AS1.398酶)的皮块,可以完全抑四川人学硕士学位论文制皮内的活力。 The result showed that 166 protease had more stronger acid-resistant property than AS1.398 protease. And the inhibition of AS1.398 protease (or 166 protease) activity in pigskin could be achieved by disposal in the 0.2M Na2HPO4 -citric buffering solution (or 0.1N HC1) including 8%25 NaCl twice.
- 中性线 common wire