- 两步式A/D转换器 Two-step A/D converter
- 双斜式A/D转换器 double-tilted line ADC
- 两步式 two-step mode
- 两步式煤气化 two-step coal gasification
- 快闪式A/D转换器 Flash A/D converter
- 桥式起重机运行机构两步式制动装置 Two-step brake of traveling mechanism of overhead traveling crane
- 逐次逼近式A/D转换器 successive approximation A/D converter(SAR ADC)
- 两步走 Two - step development
- 把A误以为 take A for B
- 在过去几年中他的收入已增加了两倍。 He have treble his income during the last few years.
- 把A视为 looked upon A as B
- 巴洛克式 barpque
- 他喀嚓一声将棍子折成两半。 He snapped the stick in two.
- 这两种意见界线分明。 There are no indecisive boundaries between the two opinions.
- 流式细胞仪 flow cytometry
- 把这两个计划仔细地加以对比就可以看出一些关键性的差异 Careful contrast of the two plan show up some key difference.
- 用EPROM扩展A/D转换器的显示范围 Expanding Display Range of A/D Couverter with EPROM
- 柏拉图式爱情 Platonic love
- 他买了两袋玉米。 He bought two sacks of corn.
- 落地式 floor(-)type