- 两性霉素B脂质体试验剂量致严重心血管不良反应 Severe cardiovascular adverse reactions due to test dose of amphotericin-B colloidal dispersion
- 脂质体两性霉素B Liposomal amphotericin B
- 目的研究两性霉素B脑靶向脂质体对小鼠脑膜炎的治疗作用。 AimTo study the therapeutic efficiency of amphotericin B liposome( AmB-L) targeting to the brain in mice with meningitis.
- 两性霉素B脂质体 AM Bison
- 两性霉素B脂质体注射剂 Ambisome<抗生素类药>
- 盐酸两性霉素B甲酯 amphotericin B methyl ester hydrochloride
- 脂质体 lipidosome
- 头霉素B Cephamycin B
- 晚霉素B Everninomicin B
- 小脂质体 small liposome
- 友霉素B amicetin B; R-285
- 维A酸脂质体 Tretinoin liposome
- 新茴霉素B Neothramycin B
- 脂肪细胞:此类细胞较少见,胞体呈圆形,细胞内含脂质,苏丹黑B染色阳性,表面平滑。 Fat cells are few in number, the cell body is ovoid with lipid droplet, and show strong cytoplasmic staining for Sudan black B, the cell surface is smooth.
- 盐屋霉素B SIM-B; siomycin-B
- 酸敏脂质体 acid-sensitive polymer liposome
- 念珠菌合计对常用抗真菌药物的耐药率为两性霉素B0.3%、制菌霉素的0.3%、伊曲康唑5.6%、氟康唑9.4%和氟胞嘧啶9.4%。 For Candida isolates, the most sensitive antibiotics were amphotericin B (0.3%25), nystain (0.3%25), itraconazole (5.6%25), fluconazole(9.4%25), and fluorocytosine (9.4%25).
- 阿扎霉素B azalomycin B
- 小单层脂质体 small unilamellar vesicle(SUV)
- 依约霉素B Iyomycin B