- 丝网印刷与厚膜IC技术 Screen Printing and Thick Film IC Technology
- IC技术 IC technology
- 海底管道高强法兰与厚壁管焊接技术 Welding Technique for High-Strength Flange to Thick-Walled Pipe of Submarine Pipeline
- 印刷与苹果切苹果一半温度不同颜色的颜料,使苹果版画。 Printing with Apples- Cut apples in half with different colors of tempera paint, make apple prints.
- 制版墨一种供平版印刷绘制图像,以及在腐蚀和丝网印刷时作耐蚀膜用的黑色液体 A black liquid used for drawing in lithography and as a resist in etching and silk-screen work.
- 书刊印刷与出版 books print and publishing
- 胆囊炎与厚壁型胆囊癌的彩色多普勒超声鉴别诊断 Differential diagnosis between gallbladder carcinoma and cholecystitis with spiral colour doppler ultrasonography
- 多层厚膜技术 thick film multilayer technology
- 网版印刷与调频加网 Screen Printing and FM Screening
- 抗坏血酸在普鲁士蓝修饰的丝网印刷电极上的电催化氧化 Electrocatalytic oxidation of ascorbic acid at prussian blue modified screen-printed carbon electrodes
- 小议薄利多销与厚利多销 Discussion on the Small Profits with Quick Turnover and Large Profits with Quick Turnover
- 网版印刷与智能标签 Screen Printing and RFID Label
- PLT厚膜 ferroelectric thick films
- 英汉印刷与包装工业词汇 English-Chinese Dictionary of Printing and Package Industry
- 丝网印刷/印刷品 silk-screen printing/prints
- 厚膜血片 Thick smear
- 食品包装印刷与材料研究所 Food Packing Printing and Material Research Institute
- 金属罐印刷与加工工艺的研究 Research of Printing and Processing Technology of Metal Pot
- 厚膜电容 thick-film capacitor
- 丝网印刷油墨 screen printing ink