- 放射检验用X射线或其它穿透性的辐射对不透光的物体的内部构造进行的检查;放射学 Examination of the inner structure of optically opaque objects by x-rays or other penetrating radiation; radiology.
- 非吸收性不透X线造影剂,非吸收性阳性造影剂 nonabsorbable radiopaque medium
- 不透X射线的 roentgenopaque
- X射线的发射,包含两种不同的过程。 The distinct processes are involved in X-ray emission.
- 不透X线染料 radiopaque dye
- 不透X线橡胶 X-ray rubber
- 也许最早被普遍认为是黑洞的物体,是发射X射线的双星天鹅座X-l。 Perhaps the first object to be generally recognized as a black hole is the X-ray binary star Cygnus X- 1.
- 不透X光的输尿管导管 catheter for x-ray, ureteral
- 望远镜有三组由中国自行设计和建造的探测器,探测范围涵盖软X射线至伽玛射线的辐射。 The telescope consists of three sets of detectors, sensitive to radiation from soft X-ray to g-ray, which are designed and constructed entirely in China.
- 这个猜不透的谜使温柔的爱米丽亚激动得老是定不下心。 This mystery served to keep Amelia's gentle bosom in a perpetual flutter of excitement.
- 不透X线造影剂,阳性造影剂 radiopaque contrast medium
- 射线可通过的允许X射线或其它放射通过的;非放射不透明的 Allowing the passage of x - rays or other radiation;not radiopaque.
- 不透X线的 radiopaque
- 心血管造影术,注射射线不能穿透物体后用X射线检查心脏和有关血管 examination of the heart and associated blood vessels using x-rays following the injection of a radiopaque substance
- 不透X线 opacity; opaque catheter material
- 那不是因为他看不起苔丝的天性,也不是因为他断不透苔丝的感情。 It was neither a contempt for Tess's nature, nor the probable state of her heart, which deterred him.
- 气管、支气管可透X线异物的X线诊断 Analysis of X-ray manifestation of foreign body which invisible with X-ray in trachea and bronchus
- 透X线 Pass through X - ray
- 那起罪行的作案动机叫人捉摸不透。 The motive for the crime was impenetrable.
- 透X射线的 radiotransparen