- 不明飞行物UFO UFO
- 如果你看到不明飞行物,但身旁没有证人,你会告诉他人吗? If you saw a UFO but were alone and had no proof would you tell anyone?
- 关于不明飞行物UFO,您能说些什么吗? What would you say about UFO?
- 不明飞行物体,飞碟((或称飞碟等; 略作 ufo)) an unidentified flying object
- 一些国家的科学家们正在设法说服他们的政府帮助他们研究不明飞行物。 Scientists in some countries are trying to persuade their governments to help them study UFOs.
- 不明飞行物 unidentified flying object
- UFO报表 UFO statement
- UFO子系统 UFO sub- system
- 精彩照片一不明飞行物在巴格达上空徘徊军事活动今天在互联网上出现. A spectacular photograph of a UFO hovering over military activity in Baghdad has surfaced on the internet today.
- 你相信ufo吗? Do you believe in UFOs?
- 飞行物 flyer
- UFO电子表格 UFO electronic form
- 一群身分不明的暴民 a faceless mob
- 当UFO到来时你在做什么? What were you doing when the UFO arrived?
- 他的意向不明。 His intention is not clear.
- 青少年要理智地对待UFO问题 Youngsters Need Develop Reason in Dealing with UFO Issues
- 一个不明飞行物出现在雷达荧屏上。 An unidentified flying object appeared on the radar screen.
- 如果罗斯威尔ufo事件是真实的, If the Roswell UFO story is true
- 根据他讲的话,他可能看见过ufo。 According to what he said, he may have seen a UFO.
- 总账与UFO相结合正确编制利润表 Making the Profit Flow Table Correctly with General Ledgers and UFO