- 三重微分截面(TDCS) triple differential cross section (TDCS)
- 三重微分截面 triple differential cross sections
- 电子碰撞锂原子 (e,2e)反应三重微分截面的计算 The calculation of triply-differential cross section of (e,2e) reaction for electron impact lithium atom
- 采用畸变波玻恩近似 (DWBA)方法 ,计算了入射能量为 4 0 0eV和 2 0 0eV的电子碰撞锂原子 (e,2e)反应在非共面对称几何条件下的三重微分截面 (TDCS) ,并研究了极化势对TDCS的影响。 The differential cross sections of ( e,2e ) reaction for electron impact lithium atom have been calculated with distorted wave Born approximation(DWBA) method at incident energy 400 eV and 200 eV. We also study the influence of distorting potentials.
- 低能电子离化氢原子的三重微分截面 Low-energy triple-differential cross sections for electron impact ionization of hydrogen
- (e,2e)反应中剩余电子的屏蔽效应对三重微分截面的影响 The Influence of the Shield Effect of the Residual Electron on the Triple Differential Cross Sections in (e, 2e) Processes
- 二重微分截面 the double differential cross sections
- 电子离化氢原子基态三重微分散射截面的研究 Research on Triple Differential Cross Sections for Ground State of Hydrogen Atom Ionized by Electrons
- 三重枝形吊灯 a triple-tiered chandelier
- 三重脉冲 triplet impulse
- 完成了高入射能 (E0 5 .6keV) ,低敲出能 (E1=E2 =10eV)情形下 ,电子入射双电离He原子五重微分截面 (FDCS)的理论计算。 In this paper, a fivefold differential cross section(FDCS) for electron impact double ionization of helium is calculated in the case of high incident energy(E 05.6 keV) and low ejection energies(E 1=E 2=10 eV).
- 三重调制遥测系统 triple modulation telemetering system
- 三重激态 triplet excited state
- 三重寄生 triploparasitism
- 三重的 three-ply
- 三重反演轴 inversion triad
- 三重根 triple root
- 三重积 triple product
- 三重键 triple bond
- 三重壳 triple case