- 一类Lucas变换之和 The Sum of One Kind of Lucas Transformation Numbers
- 第1类Lucas序列 first kind of Lucas series
- 小波变换和重构公式在一类域上的推广 An extension of the wavelet transform and reconstructure formula to the general field
- 佩利厚颜无耻地说,他属于靠自己努力而白手起家的那一类人。 Paley had the cheek to say that he was one of those who had pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps.
- 压缩域图像一类规则几何变换算法研究 Some Regular Geometric Transforms of Image in Compressed Domain
- 这个医院处理诸如车祸一类的急诊。 The hospital has to treat emergencies such as car accidents.
- 一类线性变换的核分解问题 A Decomposition Problem of null Space of a Linear Transformation
- 她的老师喜欢抓这一类粗枝大叶造成的错误。 This is the kind of careless mistake on which her teacher loves to pounce.
- 小波变换的一类新的反演公式 On a New Kind of Inversion Formula For the Wavelet Transform
- 所谓古典,是谁也希望念过而又谁也不想去念的一类东西。 A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.
- 一类域上的线性变换环的群结构 On the Group of Units for the Ring of Linear Transformations
- 主考人喜欢抓住这一类因粗心造成的差错而大做文章。 This is the kind of careless mistake on which examiners love to pounce.
- 一类离散正交三角变换快速算法 A Kind of Fast Algorithms of Discrete Orthogonal Trigonometrical Transform
- 我想我们在这一类?上可以成交大笔买卖。 I am sure we can work up a good business in that line.
- 胞色细胞任何一类含铁的蛋白质,在细胞呼吸中作氧化反应重要的催化剂 Any of a class of iron-containing proteins important in cell respiration as catalysts of oxidation-reduction reactions.
- 移位变换下一类进化树的重构问题 The problem on polygenetic tree reconstruction by translocations
- 我把她视为机会主义者。为什么你认为我是行为粗暴的那一类人呢 I pegged her as an opportunist. Why do you have me pegged as the rowdy one?
- 在这样一种场合讲这一类故事是不大合适的。 Stories of that kind are scarcely in place on an occasion such as this.
- 我们所谓“人生快事”,就是属于这一类。 All the things we call "the amenities of life" belong in this category.
- 其速度符合于某一类植物或动物的一般进化进程的生物进化 horotely