- 我望见他们在桌旁坐着。 I caught a glimpse of them at the table.
- 当我每次回去的时候,远远望见里门,几乎就要一跃下车,俯伏地上,嗅一嗅她的肉香。 Every time I return to her ,as I see the county gates from afar,I would just about leap down from the vehicle,prostrate myself on the ground to breathe her fragrance.
- 见底 see the bottom
- 望 hope
- 我走出我的舱房向外一望,我所望到的简直是我生平没有见过的凄惨景象。 I got up out of my cabin, and looked out; but such a dismal sight I never saw.
- 打底 rendering
- 粉底 foundation make-up
- 露西,她最后一眼望见的 And thine too is the last green field
- 辛楣睁大眼,望一望瑟缩的高松年,“哼”一声,转身就走。 Hsin-mei stared wide-eyed at the cringing Kao Suns-nien and with a "humph" turned and departed
- 清澈见底 so clear that you can see the bottom
- 他发呆地望了一望大理石铺成的楼梯。 He looked vaguely up the marble staircase.
- 透过屈光的玻璃我望见一个男人的身形在人行道上走过。 Through the crooked glass I saw a man's figure walking past on the sidewalk.
- 写着写者,我的泡沫红茶已经见底了,嗓子里,留下干涩的余香。 Write, my bubble tea has been already seen bottom, throat inside, leave dry acrid remaining joss-stick.
- 他机械地往天空一望,看见一块块煤烟色的散碎云朵正在月亮前边飞行着。 When he looked mechanically up into the sky, he saw ragged, soot-coloured clouds scudding in front of the moon.
- 那边是南国风光,山是青的,水是绿的,小溪流更是清可见底! Over there we have the typical southern scenery with blue mountains, green waters, limpid brooks...!
- 游客与当地人之间的区别一望即知。 You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the natives.
- 还可远远望见老家村子里的教堂的尖顶。 with the spire of the church of our village showing in the far distance.
- 干杯(见底)! Bottoms up!
- 我朝下一望看到一个警察时,差上点从梯子上掉下来。 I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman.
- 细裂见底 gas crazing