- ALL格式 ALL data format
- 万象更新。all things take on a new aspect.
- All-pay拍卖 all - pay auction
- 即使指定了ALL_LEVELS,也只对索引叶级或表数据级进行处理。 Even if ALL_LEVELS is specified, only the index leaf level or table data level is processed.
- T-ALL/淋巴瘤 T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma
- OK, all right 好的 okey.
- 请不要更改ALL的行为。 Does not change the behavior of ALL.
- 再比“都”和“all” Re-comparison on "dou" and "all"
- 此选项的缺省设置在个人数据库服务器上为all,在网络服务器上为DBA。 This option defaults to all on the personal database server, and DBA on the network server.
- All and both均可用于名词或代词之后 All and both can come after a noun or pronoun
- 可通过单击Show All Files按钮显示解决方案资源管理器中的隐藏文件。 You can display hidden files in Solution Explorer by clicking the Show All Files button.
- 如果-gl选项为ALL,则您必须是表的所有者,或拥有DBA权限或ALTER特权。 If the -gl option is ALL, you must be the owner of the table or have DBA authority or have ALTER privilege.
- 后来叫做All Hallow's Eve, Hallowe'en, and then Halloween.
- 本文中2例ALL表达t(12;21)即(TEL/AML1)患者顺利获完全缓解(CR)2年; 2 ALL cases with t(12;21) had arrived complete remission(CR) for 2 year.
- 使用ANY和ALL的定量比较测试 Quantified comparison tests with ANY and ALL
- 在发布程序之前,先打开E_ALL测试代码,可以帮你很快找到变量使用不当的地方。 By testing your code, prior to deployment, with E_ALL, you can quickly find areas where your variables may be open to poisoning or modification in other ways.
- 对于不同权限,ALL的含义有所不同 The meaning of ALL varies as follows
- 撤消ALL不会撤消所有可能的权限。 Revoking ALL does not revoke all possible permissions.
- 拒绝ALL不会拒绝所有可能的权限。 Denying ALL does not deny all possible permissions.
- He","She", and "I" are all pronouns. "He","She", and "I" are all pronouns.