- 你要我怎么说呢?你首先就不应该骑摩托车。 What can I tell you? You shouldn't have been riding it in the first place.
- "我怎么说呢?" " How could I tell?"
- 说 persuade (politically)
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- 呢 (question particle)
- 用不着你教我怎么说。你老是打断我的话,好像你知道我要说些什么似的。 Don't put words in my mouth. You keep interrupting me and assuming the you know what I'm going to say.
- 怎么说呢 what can I say
- 不管怎么说 in any case
- 我怎么才能说服您不做出这种决定呢? How can I dissuade you from making such a decision?
- 我该怎么说呢? How shall I put it?
- 我怎么能够把贵重的东西托付给她呢? How can I trust the valuable things to her?
- 不管怎么说,你我都无法预测此事。 Anyway, you and I cannot crystal-ball it from here.
- 见到他我怎么说。 What am I supposed to say when I meet him.
- 我怎么能这样说呢? How can I say that?
- 达恩低下头,双臂报住脑袋,他的脑子里一片混乱,他在想该怎么说呢。 Dagen lowered his head onto his folded arms as his frantic mind tried to work out what he would say.
- 少废话,我怎么说你就怎么办。 Shut up and do as I tell you.
- 我怎么想的就怎么说。 I'll speak as I think about.
- 她(该怎么说呢?)并不真正是胖,但就她年龄来说是比较壮实了一些。 She is--how shall I put it--not exactly fat, but rather well-built for her age.
- 我毫不在乎他们对我怎么说。 I cared nothing about what they said of me.
- 所以呀,要不然我怎么会这么说呢? That's just the point,otherwise I wouldn't have said it.