- The stone made a dent in the roof of my car. 我的汽车顶让石头砸了个坑。
- Just one more heave, and the stone will be in the right place. 只要再拉一下,石头准能给拉到要放的地方。
- The acid in the rain slowly ate away at the stone wall. 雨水中的酸性物质慢慢侵蚀着石墙。
- Some grass grow in the crevice of the stone wall. 有些草从石墙的裂缝中长出来。
- He hammered the wedge into the crack in the stone. 他用锤子把楔子砸入石缝里。
- He weighed the stone in the hands. 他用手估量这块石头的重量。
- They chipped their names in the stone. 他们将名字凿在石头上。
- B: Wow, you really live in the Stone Age, Mom. 哇,妈妈,你还生活在石器时代。
- B: Wow, you really live in the Stone Age. 哇,你真的还生活在石器时代。
- The magic sword was embedded in the stone. 魔剑牢牢嵌在石头里。
- Wow, you really live in the Stone Age. 哇;你真的还生活在石器时代.
- One of the stones got him in the eye. 一块石头击中了他的眼睛。
- A hermit used to live in the cave. 一位隐士曾经住在那个山洞里。
- We kindled a firebrand in the cave. 我们在山洞里点燃火把。
- There is a bear in the inmost recesses of the cave. 洞穴的最深处有只狗熊。
- The boys huddled together in the cave to keep warm. 男孩子们在山洞里挤成一团取暖。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。