- Restoration of natural peristaltic muscle activity. 恢复自然蠕动肌肉活动。
- Secretin was without effect on gastric smooth muscle activity. 而促胰液素对各部位肌条的收缩活动无明显的影响。
- Why is the person's cranial nerve incontrollable cardiac muscle activity? 为什么人的脑神经不能控制心肌活动?
- "It helps to bring the muscle activity back a few days faster," Saponara says. 萨波那拉说,“该设备可以让肌肉活动能力早几天恢复。”
- Conclusions Muscle activity and arm position were found to cause systematic change in the width of subacromial space. 结论肌肉收缩和上臂的外展位置可以造成肩峰下空间宽度的改变。
- According to the relationship between EMG and muscle activation. EMG幅值及其功率谱的变化与肌肉力活性、肌肉疲劳之间有确定性的关系.
- But the scientists found that during periods of intense muscle activity, a transporter must clear acetylcholine from the synapse. 但是,研究人员发现在肌肉剧烈活动期间,转运蛋白必须清除突触的乙酰胆碱。
- The existence of a pathophysiological link between tonic muscle activity and chronic muscle pain is still being debated. 目前,咀嚼肌紧张性活动和慢性肌痛之间的病生理联系仍不清楚。
- The pain response was assessed by visual analogue scale (VAS) in order to investigate the influence of orthodontic pain on masseter muscle activity. 并配合视觉类比尺度(VAS)记录受测者疼痛程度,以研究矫正疼痛对咬肌活性之影响。
- Change of the lactic acid when liver is sclerotic occurs an obstacle for liver glycogen process, save up of the lactic acid after muscle activity is overmuch, cause lack of power. 肝硬化时乳酸转变为肝糖原过程发生障碍,肌肉活动后乳酸蓄积过多,引起乏力。
- MPS can significantly reduce the hyperactivity of elevators and enhance the symmetry of masseter muscle activity,and thus the signs and symptoms of CMD continuously subsided. 肌位?板可明显减小磨牙症伴CMD症状者升颌肌异常过度活动 ,且提高嚼肌肌电活动的对称性 ,从而使CMD症状持续性缓解
- It was concluded that orthodontic pain produced by orthodontic treatment was the reason that reduced the masseter muscle activity during the pain period. 综合以上所述,齿颚矫正治疗会产生矫正疼痛,而此种矫正疼痛是造成疼痛过程咬肌活性降低的原因。
- When the patient when long-term lie in bed, quantity of its muscle activity decreases relatively, the absorption of medicaments speed slows, form scleroma gradually. 当患者长期卧床时,其肌肉活动量相对减少,药物的吸收速度变慢,逐渐形成硬结。
- This study was conducted to investigate changes in masseter muscle activity and their correlations with orthodontic pain produced by tooth movement during orthodontic treatment. 本研究之目的是要探讨矫正治疗初期平齐化过程咬肌活性之变化以及矫正疼痛对咬肌活性之影响。
- An instrument used in the detection and diagnosis of heart abnormalities that measures electrical potentials on the body surface and generates a record of the electrical currents associated with heart muscle activity. 心电描记器用于发现及诊断心脏不规则现象的仪器,测量人体表面电位并记录与心脏肌肉活动有关的电流
- He was allowed to proceed to an MA. 他获准攻读文学硕士学位。
- Any of a group of hormonelike substances produced in various mammalian tissues that are derived from amino acids and mediate a wide range of physiological functions, such as metabolism, smooth muscle activity, and nerve transmission. 前列腺素任一种产生于哺乳动物组织中的一组类似荷尔蒙的物质,由氨基酸生成,调节着一个很大范围的生理活动及神经传送
- He always does what his ma tells him to. 他总是很听妈妈的话。
- The monitoring,recording,and measuring of a living organism's basic physiological functions,such as heart rate,muscle activity,and body temperature,by the use of telemetry techniques. 生物遥测术利用测距技术对生物基本生理功能,如心律、肌肉活动、体温等的监视、记录和测量。
- Maintaining the stability of spine relies on proper muscle activations and spinal column function. 维持脊椎稳定度必须依赖正常的肌肉和椎体的功能。