- Wang Y J, Wang K J, Dong S T, Hu C H, Liu P, Zhang J W.Effects of stubble height and clipping stage on regrowth performances of Zea mexicana. 王永军;王空军;董树亭;胡昌浩;刘鹏;张吉旺.;留茬高度与刈割时期对墨西哥玉米再生性能的影响
- Wang Y J,Wang K J,Dong S T,et al.Effects of stubble height and clipping stage on regrowth performances of Zea mexicana[J].Scientia Agricultura Sinica,2005,38(8):1555-1561. [2]王永军;王空军;董树亭;等.;留茬高度与刈割时期对墨西哥玉米再生性能的影响[J]
- Regulation on Forage Nutritive Value of Wancao 2 and Zea mexicana Forage Crops 皖草2号、墨西哥玉米营养价值的调控研究
- Effect of Different Dark Treatments on Flowering Habit, Yield and Quality in Zea Mexicana Schrad 不同暗处理对墨西哥玉米开花习性、产量及品质的影响
- Effect of Saline Alkali Soil Stress on Zea mays L. 土壤的盐碱化对玉米的胁迫作用。
- The development of vein in Zea mays L. 玉米(Zea mays L.;)叶脉发育的研究
- Mays zea Gaertn.Fruct.Semin.Pl.1:6,pl.1,fig.9.1788. 包谷;栗米;包栗;棒子;玉米玉蜀黍属
- Protoplast Culture and Genetic Transformation of Zea mays L. 笋玉米原生质体培养及遗传转化的研究。
- Title: Accumulation and Partitioning of Copper in Corn(Zea mays L. 关键词:夏玉米;铜;吸收;积累;分配
- Root-cap Mucilage Binds Aluminum and Accumulates Organic Acids in Zea mays L. 玉米根冠粘胶和铝的结合及有机酸累积。
- The effects of Calcium Chloride on improving the salt resistance of Zea mays L. 氯化钙在提高玉米抗盐性方面的作用。
- Effect of Salt Stress on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Zea mays L. 盐胁迫对玉米种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响。
- Effects of Complex Saline-Alkafi Stress On The Seed Germination of Zea mays L. 混合盐碱胁迫对玉米种子萌发的影响。
- Title: Analysis of genetics of four kernel traits in maize(Zea mays L. 关键词:玉米;籽粒性状;遗传模型;基因效应
- Alondra - Cantante y artista mexicana con varios discos de oro en los 80's y nuevo material. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Title: Study on Heredity of Main Forage Traits in Silage Maize (Zea mays L. 关键词:玉米;自交系;饲用性状;配合力;遗传
- Experiments were performed on 12 New Zea land white rabbits(12 eyes). 实验对象为12只新西兰白兔(12只眼)。
- Pollens of Tripsacum L. could germinate on the stigmas of maize (Zea mays L.). 摘要采用荧光显微技术,对摩擦禾、薏苡花粉在玉米柱头上的萌发和生长过程进行了观察。
- A night of live up-beat Mexicana, Latin &Salsa music by the “Mariachi Latin Band” direct from Mexico for one weekend only! 从墨西哥远道而来的MARIACHILATIN乐队,连续两晚呈上激情演出,感受Mariachi Latin, Salsa 音乐带来的节奏和律动,就在这个周末!
- However Mexicana's owners rejected the offer possibly because another Iberia-owned Latin-American airline, Viasa of Venezuela, had gone bankrupt under Iberia's ownership. 作为上述设想的组成部分,项目组建立了一个灵活定价模型,以确保墨西哥航空公司仅按交易量支付服务费。