- How did the young wife keep her husband off alcohol all last year? 过去的整整一年中这位年轻的妻子是怎样使她丈夫不沾一滴酒的?
- The young wife flung to the door and ran out. 那位年轻的妻子用力把门一关便跑了出去。
- The young wife sat by the fire, waiting silently. 这位年轻的妻子便坐在壁炉边,默默地等待着。
- Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, he also had a beautiful young wife. 不知是幸还是不幸,他还有一个年轻貌美的妻子。
- It is unbelievble that this beautiful young wife is so brazen. 真是难以置信这样一位年青漂亮的太太竟然如此厚颜无耻。
- She did not think the young wife took her affliction with proper humility. 她认为这少妇没有以应有的谦卑对待不幸。
- Fair, pure and joyous as a maiden, loving, tender and happy as a young wife. 作为少女,她端庄、纯洁又快乐;作为妻子,她深情、温和又幸福。
- His example taught his young wife a great lesson---a lesson that has made a happy marriage for 51 years. 他用实例给他年轻的妻子上了深刻的一课,这一课促成了51年的幸福婚姻。
- He was killed in a car accident on an icy Denver street, on his way home to his young wife and infant daughter. 他在冰雪覆盖的丹佛大街丧生于车祸,当时他正在回家的途中,准备回到年轻的妻子和还在襁褓中的女儿身边。
- Dad's first name was James, and he smiled, looking at the infant and his young wife there in the unpainted farmhouse. 爸爸名叫詹姆斯,孩子的名字也一样是由英文字母“J”开始。 在那未经油漆过的农舍里,看着自己身边的婴儿和年轻的妻子,他微笑着同意。
- I was only thinking how proud I am to have a more than commonly clever young wife. 我在想,我有这样一位聪明过人的年轻妻子是多么自豪啊。
- Mr. Casaubon too was not without his pride in his young wife, who spoke better than most women. 卡苏朋先生不能不为年轻的妻子感到自豪,她的谈吐是一般妇女望尘莫及的。
- The pretty young wife finds herself having been supplanted by a brisk, unlovely. 年轻美貌的妻子发现自己的丈夫竟迷上一个轻佻丑陋的女人而被取而代之。
- His example taught his young wife a great lesson--a lesson that has made a happy marriage for 51 years. 他用实例给他年轻的妻子上了深刻的一课,这一课促成了51年的幸福婚姻。
- Page 94: Mononoke gallivanted back to his mountain lair, his young wife riding happily on his back. 猫怪拍拖着回家,他的年轻妻子幸福地靠在他背上。
- Old Tang, who is a hunter, has a young wife (Kong Wei) who begins a relationship with the madwoman's son. 老唐,一个猎手。他的年轻妻子(孔维)与疯女人的儿子发生了关系。
- By the time a young wife dark red Hi words tricycle put away the bride to marry. 年轻的时候用一辆贴着大红喜字的三轮车就把新娘给娶走了。
- Young wives naturally prefer to be undisputed queen of their own establishment. 年轻的妻子当然更喜欢做她自己宫殿里的无可争议的皇后。
- Nice younger wife temporarily trapped in a loveless marriage of convenience. 年轻的妻子暂时困在无爱的婚姻里。
- And then there was Peron's young wife, Evita, who was style personified across Argentina and beyond. 之后是贝隆总统年轻的夫人,埃维塔,她的着装风格风靡整个阿根廷,甚至名扬海外。