- eM-Plant eM-Plant
- [plant+] 盛开 to be in bloom
- 揠苗助长 too much zeal spoil all
- [plant+] 生根 to take root
- 苗栗 Miaoshu
- eM-Plant软件 eM-Plant
- EM-plant仿真 Em-plant simulation
- 这场雨砸倒了玉米苗。 The rain flattened the corn.
- 野生植物,野生苗野生的植物或非耕种的植物,尤指野苹果树和野苹果 A plant that grows wild or has escaped from cultivation, especially a wild apple tree or its fruit.
- 接著,您将向Manufacture Plant 1服务添加补偿服务。 Next, you add the compensation service to Manufacture Plant 1 service.
- 烟苗 tobacco seedling
- 豌豆苗 pea seedlings
- 基于eM-Plant和分支定界算法的动态加工车间送料路径仿真与优化 Simulation and Optimization of Dynamic Plant Material Delivery Path Based on eM-Plant and Branch and Bound Algorithm
- 园林大苗培育 large landscape sapling growing
- 鱼类苗种培育 rearing offish fry and fingerling
- 在我们的OTMPS场景中,您需要为Manufacture Plant 1服务的补偿服务建立服务介面。 In our OTMPS scenario, you need to create a service interface for the compensation service of Manufacture Plant 1 service.
- 雨后玉米苗像变魔术一般的长起来了。 After the rain the corn shot up as if by magic.
- 提出了基于EPA(Ethernet for Plant Automation)协议的车间数字设备集成控制系统的体系结构; The system configuration of numerical equipment integrated control system of workshop based on EPA(Ethernet for Plant Automation) was put forward in this paper.
- 贝苗 spat
- 桑苗繁育 mulberry sapling production