- He looks to be a young man of twenty. 他看起来就像一个20岁的青年。
- He has grown into a young man of twenty-two. 他已成长为22岁的青年了。
- A young man of great physical beauty. 健美男子体形极美的年轻男子
- He is a young man of noble birth. 他是一个出身高贵的青年。
- He's a young man of noble birth. 他是一个出身高贵的青年。
- He is a young man of originality. 他是一个有首创精神的年轻人。
- He is a young man of modest breeding and uncertain means. 他是一个出身平常、收入不固定的年轻人。
- Now,if this young man of twenty? eight was a common,ordinary yokel,I'd say he was doing fine. 那么,如果这个二十八岁的小伙子是个普普通通的粗人,我得说他这样就可以了。
- Now,if this young man of twenty? eight was a common,ordinary yokel,I' d say he was doing fine. 那么,如果这个二十八岁的小伙子是个普普通通的粗人,我得说他这样就可以了。
- He's one of the prospective young men of the party. 他是这群人中一个大有希望的青年。
- Just who were these feisty young men of the North? 刚刚被这些好斗的年轻男子的北方?
- And, with an imperious motion, the frail young man of twenty years bent the thickset and sturdy porter like a reed, and brought him to his knees in the mire. 这个二十岁的娇弱青年以一种无比权威的气概,把那宽肩巨腰的强壮杠夫,象一根芦苇似的压下去,跪在泥淖里。
- Young men of Jimmy's style and looks were scarce in Elmore. 在爱尔摩,像基米这样风度翩翩的年轻人还是不多见的。
- At three paces from her, seated in a chair which he balanced on two legs, leaning his elbow on an old worm-eaten table, was a tall young man of twenty, or two-and-twenty, who was looking at her with an air in which vexation and uneasiness were mingled. 离她不远处,坐着一个年约二十二岁的高大青年,他跷起椅子的两条后腿不住地摇晃着,手臂支撑在一张被蛀虫蚀的旧桌子上,他在注视着她,脸上一副烦恼不安的神色。
- At three paces from her,seated in a chair which he balanced on two legs,leaning his elbow on an old worm-eaten table,was a tall young man of twenty,or two-and-twenty,who was looking at her with an air in which vexation and uneasiness were mingled. 离她不远处,坐着一个年约二十二岁的高大青年,他跷起椅子的两条后腿不住地摇晃着,手臂支撑在一张被蛀虫蚀的旧桌子上,他在注视着她,脸上一副烦恼不安的神色。
- The young men of the present day are beyond my comprehension. 当代青年我无法理解。
- This sort of life is not calculated to appeal to a young man of 20. 这种生活对于一个20岁的年轻小伙子不大可能有吸引力。
- She twists the young man around her finger. 她任意摆布那个小伙子。
- He was a good-looking, capable young man of fortune. 他是一个容颜俊美,精明能干,富有钱财的青年人。
- She twists the young man around her little finger. 她任意摆布那个小伙子。