- Why should you yell bloody murder to the boss? 你为什么一定要和老板大吵大闹?
- He'll yell bloody murder to me if he knows I've told you this. 假如他知道偶把这个消息告诉了你,一定会跟偶大吵大闹的.
- My wife will certainly yell Bloody murder when she learns how much I have spent for them 如果我的妻子知道我为他们花了多少钱,她一定会大吵大闹的
- yell bloody murder 大吵大闹
- The boy's father came up to the school prepared to create bloody murder, but he gradually calmed down as the facts of the cause were explained to him. 这个男孩的父亲来到学校准备大闹一场,但当校方把事情的真相一件件向他解释清楚时,他渐渐地冷静了下来。
- The baby screamed bloody murder when I put him in the bath. 我把那婴儿放在水里洗澡,他大喊大叫。
- She thought of screaming bloody murder so that they would let her get out of the car. 她想死命地呼叫,使他们放她下车。
- If you are overcharged you scream bloody murder, but if you are undercharged, you go your merry way. 有人多收你钱,你就会暴跳如雷;少收钱的话,你就开心地颠了。(切,中国人是这样子嘛?我反对。看情况吧)
- My,what a temper! I wish you'd have seen the director just now. Created bloody murder about Mary's mistakes in calculations. 哎呀,好大的脾气呀!你刚才要是看见主任那个样儿就好了,玛丽计算出了错,为此,他大发雷霆。
- My, what a temper! I wish you'd have seen the director just now. Created bloody murder about Mary's mistakes in calculations. 哎呀,好大的脾气呀!你刚才要是看见主任那个样儿就好了,玛丽计算出了错,为此,他大发雷霆。
- The boy's father came up to the school prepared to create bloody murder,but he gradually calmed down as the facts of the cause were explained to him. 这个男孩的父亲来到学校准备大闹一场,但当校方把事情的真相一件件向他解释清楚时,他渐渐地冷静了下来。
- The policeman described it as the bloodiest murder ever and said that the cruelty of the killer was beyond belief. 在法庭上,警察称其为最残忍的谋杀,说其残忍的程度令人难以置信。
- You don't have to yell; I can hear you. 你用不著喊,我听得见。
- She let out a yell and ran home. 她尖叫了一声跑回了家。
- The rush hour traffic is murder. 交通高峰时间真是难以忍受之事
- This dreadful murder is surely the act of a madman. 这种令人惊骇的谋杀纯粹是疯子的行为。
- This bloody company keeps fucking me about. 这倒霉的公司一直亏待我。
- He is too bloody cocksure about everything. 他对於每一件事都过於自信。
- Don't squeeze his hand; it makes him yell out in pain. 不要挤他的手,他会疼得高声喊叫。
- He was suspected of complicity in her murder. 他涉嫌合谋将她杀害。