- The sergeant bawled out a command to his men. 那个中士向士兵大声发令。
- The King's request was tantamount to a command. 国王的要求就相当於命令。
- He growled a command to her to stop. 他咆哮着命令她停下来。
- The captain bellowed a command at the troops. 上尉叫嚷着向士兵下命令。
- The captain barked a command at the troops. 上尉吼着对士兵下命令。
- Used as a command to stop or desist. 停住用于使之停止的命令
- A command or revelation from God. 圣谕神的命令或启示
- The fort occupies a commanding position. 这堡垒占据控制地位。
- An authoritative indication; an order or a command. 指示;命令权威的指示;军事命令或指挥
- An order, a command, or an injunction. 命令,指示,训诫
- One team has already built up a commanding lead. 有一个队已经遥遥领先。
- A command specifying an elementary machine operation to be performed within a basic machine cycle. 规定在一个基本机器周期中执行某种基本机器操作的一种命令。
- The man yelled a warning to the boys on ice. 那个人大声向冰上的男孩们警告。
- To carry out or comply with(a command,for example). 执行或遵守(如命令)
- Clock tower.Tired already? Just yell a Trishaw, a fancy taxi with 3 wheels... 有教堂,一定少不了钟楼。广场上有不少装饰花哨的三轮车,走累了,可以坐上去,沿途欣赏风景。
- The King' s request was tantamount to a command. 国王的要求就相当於命令.
- The sergeant snapped out a command. 中士大声喊出命令
- Run the Cmd. Exe program to open a command prompt. 运行Cmd.;exe程序来打开命令提示。
- "Up with your hands!" yelled a savage voice. “举起手来
- The device.INF file is missing a command. device. INF文件缺少一个命令。