- Position as at the year of the annual report. 只有截至该年报年度的情况。
- He quote figures from the annual report. 他引用年度报告中的数字。
- Most of the year end gift I receive is spice. 我收到的年礼大部分是调味品。
- The company's annual report tried to gloss over recent heavy losses. 该公司的年度报告试图掩盖近期的严重亏损。
- Most of the year end gift I receive are spice. 我收到的年礼大部分是调味品。
- Nothing but junk in the annual report. 年度报告中除了一些废话什么都没有
- The Telecom Industry at the Year End? 年节将至,通信圈里都在忙什么?
- There is lack of uniformity in the annual reports. 这几份年度报告缺乏一致性。
- How much is your year end bonus? 你的年终奖金多少?
- Hong Kong Broadcasting Authority annual report. 广播事务管理局年报。
- Now I want to turn to the annual report. 现在我要谈谈年度报告。
- Involve production, RM stock taking year end. 年底参与产成品、原材料的盘点工作。
- The minister is preparing the annual report. 部长正在准备年度报告。
- She quote figures from the annual report. 她引用了年度报告中的数字。
- The only time he work hard is at the year end cleaning. 他唯一努力工作是在年终大扫除的时候。
- It's a pain in the neck trying to choose the right year end gift. 选择合适的年礼真是件伤脑筋的事。
- The company's annual report tried to gloss over recent heavy loss. 该公司的年度报告试图掩盖近期的严重亏损。
- I have just all drunk all these wine to this year end. 他此刻已经到达。
- We'd like to see your annual report for the last two years. 我们想看看贵公司过去两年的年度报告。
- The chairman of the company presented the annual report. 公司董事长提交了年度报告。