- This policy is liberalism writ large. 这项政策是扩大了的自由主义政策。
- Disappointment was writ large on the face of the loser. 输了的那个人脸上显出十分失望的神情。
- Mistrust was writ large on her face. 她脸上明显流露出不信任的表情。
- Disappointment is writ large on the face of the loser. 输了的那个人脸上显出十分失望的神情。
- The party's new philosophies are little more than their old beliefs writ large. 这个政党的新指导原则只不过是把旧有信条加以强调而已。
- All three of Mr Lencioni's conditions were writ large in Oxford in 1978. 伦乔尼提到的所有三种情况在1978年的牛津都是显而易见的。
- "What I wish to do is to go down into the East End and see things for myself ... " "You don't want to live down there!" everybody said, with disapprobation writ large upon their faces. "我想做的就是到伦敦东区去,亲自去看一看 ... ""你决不会愿意住在那儿吧!"人人都这么说,一脸不赞成的神气。
- This debate, writ large, is the biggest controversy in American health care today. 显而易见,这是针对当今美国医疗保障制度最激烈的一场论战。
- The effect of his irregular life could be seen writ large on his gaunt features. 他生活不规律,后果从他憔悴消瘦的身形上可以清晰地看到。
- When Spain and Ireland adopted the euro, they imported low interest rates from Germany: the ECB was the Bundesbank writ large. 当西班牙和爱尔兰引入欧元,它们也从德国引入了地利率:欧洲央行不过是德意志银行的放大版。
- Principle of Parsimony: Write large components only when it is clear by demonstration that nothing else will do. 吝啬原则:除非能够明确证明别无它法,否则不要编写大的组件。
- Some applications frequently need to read and write large amounts of data to the disk, which is often the slowest step in a computation. 有些应用程序通常会需要从磁盘中读写大量的数据,这通常是整个计算过程中速度最慢的一个步骤。
- They portray Britain as Iceland writ large, horribly exposed because of its big banking sector and intimate involvement in the sort of global finance that has gone so spectacularly wrong. 他们把英国描绘成放大版的冰岛。由于冰岛拥有大型银行业以及与全球混乱的金融业有着密切的关系,因此冰岛完全暴露在当前的危机下。
- Plenty of people will read all this as a triumph of free-market economics: the old overtaken by the new, the public good served by an eager private sector, and creative destruction writ large. 很多人会将此解读成自由市场经济的号角,老公司被新公司取代,公共产品由积极的私人公司提供,大公司被创造性的小公司打败。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- Bookmarks are useful when writing large programs, as they allow you to quickly jump from one location in the source code to another. 书签使您可以从源代码中的一个位置快速跳转到另一位置,因此它对于编写大型程序很有用。
- Large billboards have disfigured the scenery. 大型告示板已破坏了景色。
- And because Tcl was specifically designed as a "glue" language -- not intended to write large, stand-alone programs, developers have created a wide variety of Tcl extensions for functions such as generating graphs, charts and 3-D graphics. 由于Tcl是专门设计成"粘接"语言--不是有意来写大型的和独立的程序,开发人员已为诸如生成图形、图表和三维图形等功能开发了多种多样的Tcl扩展。
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回复。
- His large income enabled him to live in comfort. 他那丰厚的收入使他可以过舒服的生活。