- She had spent all her working life in the factory. 她一生的工作时间都是在这座工厂里度过的。
- His working life was full of accidents. 他在一生的工作中遭遇了种种意料之外的事。
- Operational life span work life working life 朗文汉英综合电脑词典使用寿命
- Edison's working life falls into three sections. 爱迪生的工作生涯可以分为三阶段。
- She has been an accountant all her working life. 她在整个职业生涯中一直是会计师。
- She spent most of her working life as a teacher. 她一生中大部份工作时间都当教师。
- He is best know for his trilogy on working life. 他以描写工人阶级生活的三部曲而著名。
- He was a miner all his working life. 他一辈子都是矿工。
- Long working life two years of quality warranty. 工件使用寿命长--2年保质期。
- It makes my working life better, funnier, richer. 这让我的工作变得更美好、更有趣、更丰富。
- My working life is split into three main parts. 我的工作生活可以分成三个主要部分。
- She has spent all her work life in the factory. 她一生的工作时间都是在这座工厂里度过的。
- Of humble parentage,he began his working life in a shoe factory. 由于出身低微,他的第一个工作是在一家制鞋厂。
- You've been involved with computers on your working life. 你的工作就是终日与电脑打交道。
- Rectangular blades weth four cutting edges to prolong working life. 矩形刀片,四个刃口均可使用,使用寿命长。
- The application of advanced NC welding technology in Europe is the key factor in improvement of water tank operation life. 先进的数控焊接工艺,焊接是影响水槽寿命的关键因素,先进的焊接工艺,焊接精密坚固。
- Of humble parentage, he began his working life in a shoe factory. 由于出身低微,他的第一个工作是在一家制鞋厂。
- By means of revamping double end seals washing system, damage of mechamical seal was decreased and operation life of pump was increased. 通过对双端面机械密封冲洗系统改造,减少机械密封损坏,提高泵的运行周期。
- The lubrication of thermo-forming mould is very important in improving its product quality,decreasing deformation load and lasting operation life. 温成形模具的润滑对于提高产品质量,降低变形力,提高模具使用寿命具有十分重要的意义。
- Gerlach first makes the working life: 1 minute 39 second 655. 格洛克第一个做出有效时间:1分39秒655。