- The processing level that occurs once when an operator starts a work station utility program. For the first display station operator, the work session begins when the job has been started. 当操作员启动工作站公用程序(WSU)时产生的处理级。对第一个显示站的操作员,当作业启动时,该工作会话便开始进行。
- work station utility 工作站实用程序
- Complete the work of relative work station. 做好相应工位的本职工作。
- These instructions shall be accessible for use at the work station. 这些指导书应在工作岗位易于得到.
- Good Experience in manage work station manufacturing and high volume production. 设备制造型批量生产管理经验。
- The drawer unit has the same height as ROBIN desk and corner work station; provides extra work surface. 组合柜与罗宾系列书桌和拐角工作台高度相同,提供额外的工作空间。
- In word processing,a printer which is shared between work stations. 在字(词)处理技术中,工作站之间共享的打印机。
- Staff would be able to sue their employers if they are forced to breathe smoke while at their desk or work station. 在职人员在工作场所如果被迫呼吸二手烟,就可以向他们的雇主提出控告。
- Define and realize the detailed process technology (work stations). 负责确定和实现规定范围的具体工艺(工位)。
- When required, are production boundary sample available at required work station? Are boundary samples approved by SGM? 当需要时,在需要的工位上是否拥有边际样品?这些样品是否经上海通用认可?
- The work station face of the kitchen should choose marble, scagliola or flashing is done, facilitate clean wholesome. 厨房的操作台面应选择大理石、人造大理石或防水板来做,便于清洗又卫生。
- Are operator instruction /visual controls available and adhered to at each work station ? 操作指导书/目视控制是否具备并附于相应的每个工作岗位?
- Boss: This is your work station; no decorations, no photographs, no mementos, nothing of wonder or beauty whatsoever. 老板:这就是你工作的地方。没有装饰,没有照片,没有纪念物,没有奇迹或是漂亮的东西之类。
- The display inside the study has work station of desk, computer, bookcase, sit chair, sofa. 书房内陈设有写字台、电脑操作台、书柜、坐椅,沙发等。
- If do not have local arrange, still can place chopping block uppermost layer, do temporarily work station. 假如没有地方料理,还可以将砧板摆在最上层,做个临时的操作台。
- In word processing, a printer which is shared between work stations. 在字(词)处理技术中,工作站之间共享的打印机。
- The kitchen used L form work station, make kitchen space exceeds envisage the ground to be mixed roomily neat. 厨房采用了L形操作台,使厨房空间超乎想像地宽敞和整洁。
- On account of the proper acceleration-deceleration curve,the flexible impact of work station can be avoided. 采用合适的加减速曲线,避免了工作台的柔性冲击。
- We adopt the ISS work station of ink system , so the work station will not broken. 我们移植了墨水系统的工作站的ISS,保证了不烧工作站。
- Set up production standards for each work station and control the production efficiency. 针对每个工作岗位设定生产标准,并控制生产效率。