- without additional reagents 无添加剂
- You can lay over without additional charge. 你可以中途停留而不用额外花钱。
- You can lay over without additional charge . 你可以中途停留而不用额外花钱。
- Data in some form developed without additional effort from a device whose basic purpose is to perform some other operation. 勿需任何附加处理,由一个基本目的是完成其它操作的装置得到的某种形式的数据。
- RCF accepts credit card payment without additional service charge! 火之风诚意接受信用卡付款,不收任何附加费!
- The food must guarantee without additive. 该食品保证不含添加剂。
- Using this syste m, we can keep the radiotherapy effects to the targets and reduce the radiation harm to the normal tissue without addit... 利用本系统可以在确保治疗效果不下降的同时尽量减少正常组织的损伤程度和范围。
- Luckily,my suitcase tipped the scaled at exactly 20 kilos,so it could travel on the plane without additional charge. 巧得很,我的箱了称起来恰好20公斤,这样它可随机走而无须额外付费。
- The results show that the PSDF can denote the fluidity of the powder, and guide the adulteration of the flow addition reagent too. 结果表明:粉体粒度分布分形维数值可以用于表征粉体流动性能,粉体粒度分形维数值可作为指导掺杂流动助剂量的参数。
- How can students of average intelligence be top students without additional work? 中等智力的学生如何才能在不增加学习负担的情况下成为优等生?
- Without additional construction or compensation tasks they can be mounted directly under the platforms. 它不需要任何附加结构或补偿操作,可以直接安装在平台的下面。
- Soft-switching implementation without additional devices, high efficiency and simple control. 无需附加元件即可实现软开关,效率高,控制简单。不知道这么翻对不对?
- If you chose external authentication source in the previous step, you can get by without additional users. 如果在上一步您选择的是外部认证源,那么不需要有另外的用户就可以继续进行。
- Pocket PC and Smartphone devices do not by default support Ethernet connections without additional hardware. 如果不使用附加硬件,默认情况下,Pocket PC和Smartphone设备不支持以太网连接。
- At the same time, this mechanically stable connection safeguards the pressure connection, without additional pipework. 同时,机械稳定连接保护了压力连接,不需要额外的管件。
- The cheese curd can be packaged for ripening with or without additional microorganisms. 干酪凝块可以包装起来成熟,添加或不添加额外的微生物都可以。
- The circuit is described and its CMRR of 90dB is achieved without additional shielding. 并给出测量电路,该电路在未加屏蔽的情况下,可达90dB的共模抑制比。
- Luckily, my suitcase tipped the scaled at exactly 20 kilos, so it could travel on the plane without additional charge. 巧得很,我的箱了称起来恰好20公斤,这样它可随机走而无须额外付费。
- This allows us to unlock all of our programmes and make them accessible without additional payment. 这种方式,让我们可以放手执行所有的节目,无需支付额外的费用。
- The remaining traffic passes straight through the multiplexer without additional processing. 剩余的传输服务将直接通过多路复用器而不经过任何其他处理过程。