- The house was within striking distance of the road. 房子离公路很近。
- We are within striking distance of completing the dictionary. 我们完成该辞典为期不远。
- The cat was now within striking distance of the duck. 此时,猫就在可攻击鸭子的距离内。
- He didn't come within striking distance of passing the exam. 他的成绩离及格还差得远呢。
- Our troops are not yet within striking distance of the enemy. 我们的部队还没有进入敌人的攻击范围内。
- Bad luck! You came within striking distance of beating the record. 真倒霉!你眼看就要打破纪录了。
- They can be set up within striking distance of potential enemies. 他们可以设置在打击潜在敌人的有效距离内。
- Hard luck! You came within striking distance of beating the record. 真倒霉!你眼看就要打破纪录了。
- The missiles can be set up within striking distance of potential enemies. 导弹可设置在打击假设敌人的有效距离内。
- Move carefully until you get within striking distance of the enemy,then hold your fire till I give the order. 小心地逼近敌人直到可以发动进攻的距离,然后等待我的命令开火。
- Move carefully until you get within striking distance of the enemy, then hold your fire till I give the order. 小心地逼近敌人直到可以发动进攻的距离,然后等待我的命令开火。
- After a tumultuous and brutal August, the stock market has regained its footing and is within striking distance of the record highs it set in July. 经过喧嚣与残酷的八月,股票市场已经重新恢复它的基础而且是在它在七月创下的高点记录的攻击距离之内。)
- Alan Shearer moved within striking distance of being the greatest scorer in Newcastle United's history when his two goals saw off Everton on Saturday. 在周六两度轰烂埃弗顿队球门之后,希勒离成为纽卡斯尔联历史上最伟大球员的荣誉越来越近了。
- Gold got a boost from the weaker tone of the dollar, and the precious metal rose to within striking distance of the 24?-year high of $540.90 recorded in December. 黄金价格因美元汇率走软而上涨,距去年12月份创下540.;90美元的24年半高点仅咫尺之遥。
- Crude oil jumped to within striking distance of $100 a barrel yesterday as the US dollar tumbled to records lows, prompting fresh fears of a resurgence of global inflation. 昨日,原油价格再度跃升,距每桶100美元仅咫尺之遥,原因是美元汇率跌至创纪录低点,这重新引发了人们对于全球通货膨胀抬头的忧虑。
- Even though his astrologer told him to expect an invasion in Normandy, Hitler decreed that the bulk of the German forces in the West would be based within striking distance of the Pas de Calais. 虽然占星家告诉他盟军会在诺曼底登陆,老希认为德军的主力应该在加莱附近来保持一个打击距离。
- The champion, within striking distance, gave the challenger a severe blow. 拳王站在打击得到的距离内,给挑战者一记重击。
- The beach is within striking distance. 海滩近在咫尺。
- A cat stalks a duck until it gets within striking distance. 一只猫跟踪着一只鸭子,直到靠近到它能捉到鸭子的距离。
- The champion,within striking distance,gave the challenger a severe blow. 拳王站在打击得到的距离内,给挑战者一记重击。