- Back away To withdraw from a position; retreat. 撤退:从某个位置撤离;撤退。
- To withdraw from a game in defeat. 退出比赛因失利而退出游戏
- To withdraw from a losing situation. 走出失败从失败的状况中退出
- To withdraw from a position; retreat. 撤退从某个位置撤离;撤退
- withdraw from a meeting [discussion] 退出会议[讨论]
- withdraw from a meeting [discussion 退出会议[讨论]
- He absented himself from a meeting on some pretext. 他借故不去开会。
- He absented himself from a meeting yesterday. 他昨天缺席会议了。
- Back down To withdraw from a position, opinion, or commitment. 让步,放弃:从某个位置、观点或义务中撤出。
- To break or withdraw from a promise, agreement, or undertaking. 毁约违反或取消誓言、合约或承诺
- To withdraw from a venture by or as if by settling one's account. 兑现,脱手通过或似通过清算自己的帐目而从一项投机中退出。
- To withdraw from a position, opinion, or commitment. 让步,放弃从某个位置、观点或义务中撤出
- LL: To cut one's losses means to give up and withdraw from a losing situation. 就是看到形势对自己不利就决定改变方向,这样可以减少损失。
- withdraw from a meeting 离会, 退席
- Most of the players backed down from a damaging dispute at a meeting. 大多数球员都放弃要求,主动退出喋喋不休的会谈争论。
- Tell the men to withdraw from their new position. 告诉那些人从新的阵地上撤出。
- The news comes from a reliable source. 这消息来自可靠的来源。
- You are not permitted to withdraw from a course that has been approved for fail-resit. 你不得就不及格而需重考的科目申请退修。
- One who has withdrawn from a given social group or environment. 退出者退出某一社会团体环境的人
- Rooms are resources in your organization that can be scheduled by sending a meeting request from a client application. 会议室是组织内的资源,可以通过从客户端应用程序发送会议请求进行安排。