- Go ahead, you can do it with a wet finger. 去吧,你可以毫不费力地办好这件事情。
- He defeated them with a wet finger. 他轻而易举地击败了他们。
- Go ahead,you will finish the work with a wet finger. 动手干吧,你将会轻而易举地完成这项工作。
- Go ahead, you will finish the work with a wet finger. 动手干吧,你将会轻而易举地完成这项工作。
- Sponge down the surface with a wet cloth. 用湿布抹一下表面。
- He damped the table down, and then rub it with a wet cloth. 他先把桌面弄湿,然后用湿布擦拭。
- Smother the flames from the burning pan with a wet towel. 用湿毛巾把锅里的火扑灭。
- She dabbed the wound with a wet cloth. 她用湿布轻拭伤口。
- I wipe my hand with a wet towel. 我用湿手巾拭手。
- I wash the table with a wet cloth. 我用湿抹布擦桌子。
- She had given her face a dab with a wet towel. 她用湿毛巾把脸略略擦了一下。
- I wiped my hands with a wet towel. 我用湿手巾擦手。我干杯。
- I clean the floor with a wet rag. 我用湿抹布清洁地板。
- She dabbed at the wound with a wet cloth. 她用湿布轻敷伤口。
- He smothered the flame with a wet blanket. 他用一条湿毯将火焰闷熄。
- Rinse the clay from the face with a wet washcloth. 用一块湿毛巾将泥清洗干净。
- Mrs Bixby was a big vigorous woman with a wet mouth. 比克斯比夫人是个精力充沛性欲旺盛的女魔头。
- He damped the table down,and then rub it with a wet cloth. 他先把桌面弄湿,然后用湿布擦拭。
- You can dab at the stain on your coat with a wet towel. 你可以用湿毛巾在衣服的污迹处轻轻地擦几下。
- You can put out the fire by covering it with a wet quilt. 用一条湿棉被把火盖住,就可以把火扑灭。