- She lives in a grotty little room with nowhere to cook. 她住在一间龌龊的斗室内,连做饭的地方都没有。
- Should fall on a sinner with nowhere to go! 降临在一个无处藏身的罪人身上!
- The manager has had nowhere to turn for help. 管理者却无处寻求帮助。
- The misery of lounging about with nowhere to go became intolerable. 在大街上到处闲逛又无处可去的痛苦,使他受不住了。
- Survivors huddle together in makeshift tents with nowhere to go. 幸存者们一起拥挤在临时帐篷里,无处可去。
- In times of crisis it's good to have a friend to turn to. 危难时好在有朋友可以投奔。
- I drifted from one place to another with nowhere to rest. 四海飘零,无容身之地。
- She didn't know whom to turn to for advice. 她不知道该找谁出主意。
- The old man floats from town to town with nowhere to go and nothing to do. 这位老人从一个市镇游荡到另一个市镇, 无所事事, 也没有目的地。
- He had to turn to the Genie of the Ring for help. 他不得不向戒指神求助。
- I had to turn to the dictionary for help. 我只得求助于字典了。
- He was able to turn to writing to earn a living. 他开始以写作谋生。
- The result, said Mr. Bernanke, was a “global saving glut”: lots of money, all dressed up with nowhere to go. 伯南克说,这样做的结果是“全球储蓄过剩”:许多钱穿好了衣服,但是没地方可去。
- Now I should like to turn to domestic issues. 再讲讲国内问题吧。
- He disdained to turn to his son for advice. 他不屑向自己的儿子请教。
- His bowels seemed to turn to water. 他吓得屎尿直流。
- That's where you have to turn to the left. 你该在那个地方向左拐。
- The orphan has nobody to turn to. 这个孤儿没有人可以投靠。
- Helen's party had to be cancelled at the last minute and we couldn't bear to be all dressed up with nowhere to go. 海伦的晚会在最后一刻只得取消,我们穿戴得整整齐齐的却无处可去,真叫人受不了。
- There's where you have to turn to the left. 在那你得左拐。