- wimpish schoolboy 懦弱的男生
- He's such a, snotty-nosed little wimp. 他是个高傲而懦弱的人。
- The schoolboy made a face at his teacher's back. 那个男生对着教师的背后做个鬼脸。
- Look here, do you think you can treat me like a schoolboy? 听着!你以为可以像对待一个小学生那样来对待我吗?
- The more she called her husband a wimp, the more timid he became. 她越叫她先生懦夫,他就越胆小怯懦。
- Even a schoolboy could manage (ie write) a better story than that. 连小学生写的故事都比那个好。
- After all he is still a schoolboy. 他终归是个小学生。
- The truth is so plain that a schoolboy knows it. 这个浅显的道理连小学生都明白。
- The schoolboy fell off his bike yesterday. 这个男生昨天从自行车上摔了下来。
- He's such a,snotty-nosed little wimp. 他是个高傲而懦弱的人.
- Centre-half and an England schoolboy international. 中前卫,英格兰学生代表队成员。
- Do not be a wimp!/Do not be a go-for-nothing! 别像个窝囊废!
- The teacher was sacked for slapping a schoolboy. 那位教师因为打了一名男生耳光给解雇了。
- Traditionally, I'm the wimp of the cast. 我可是剧组传说中有名的娇气。
- These facts are familiar even to every schoolboy. 这些事实甚至小学生都熟悉。
- If you agree to all her likes, you are a wimp. 如果你完全赞同她的话,那你真无能。
- He is a nine-year-old schoolboy. 他是一个九岁的男学生。
- I sound like a wimp saying this to you guys. 和你们说这些,听起来好像我在撒娇,是吧。
- I am corresponding with an American schoolboy. 我在和一个美国学童通信。
- When he laughed,it was the laugh of a schoolboy. 当他笑起来,那确是小学生的笑。